Walt Disney's High School Desk + the Kelvyn Park Journal
Digitized newspapers are a trove of fun and interesting information if you take the time to look. Here is a 1966 article entitled “Walt Disney’s Desk” from the Kelvyn Park Journal that gives some insight on Disney’s doodling habit, as well as his teacher’s prowess in having him as a student at McKinley High School.
Kelvyn Park Journal - “Walt Disney’s Desk” transcript
December 29th, 1966
“We hope this item won’t be used as an excuse for school vandalism, but Norma Erickson, Community Publications classified advertising manager recalls very well that Walt Disney went to the old McKinley High School. No, Norma did not attend the school with him (she’s much too young for that), but she sat in his desk. And how does she know that? Yes, his initials were carved in it. Not only that, but the art teacher pointed out the desk to the class and referred almost daily to her famous ex-pupil, who at the time was just starting his climb to Hollywood. Note to potential carvers: don’t try it unless you’re another Disney.”
About the Kelvyn Park Journal
Before there was DNA Info and Block Club Chicago, there was Bruce Sagan and his multitude of community newspapers, Kelvyn Park Herald being one of them. Published at least once a week, it served mostly the central west side and Oak Park in the 1960s. The branch office, not far from Hermosa in Humboldt Park was located at 4047 W. North Ave.
Shown here: The editorial mast for the December 29th, 1966 edition, page 8 of Volume Number 12.
About McKinley High School
Originally called West Division High School, it opened in 1875 located at 2040 W. Adams Street in the Near West Side community area of Chicago. It operated as McKinley High School (named after US President McKinley) from 1904-1954. It still stands today as the oldest public (charter) school in the city, named Chicago Bulls College Prep, as the United Center is not far from the school.
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