2018 Election - Gubernatorial, IL Representatives + Ward Ballot Contents

Illinois will hold general elections on November 6, 2018 for a variety of races at the federal, state and local levels: from the Illinois governor's race to all 118 seats up for grabs in the Illinois House of Representatives to Cook County commissioners races. Full list here.

On the Ballot for Hermosa:

  • All 4 Hermosa Wards (for 1-36):
    - New Mental Health Facility: Avondale and Hermosa Expanded Mental Health Services Program

  • 35th Ward Only:
    - Rent Control: Should the State of Illinois be able to regulate rents to address rising rents, unjust evictions and gentrification in our communities?

  • City Ballots:
    - Plastic Straws: Should the City of Chicago ban the use of plastic straws within the corporate city limits?
    - Property Tax Examptions for Long Term Home Owners: Should the City of Chicago seek that the State of Illinois create a homeowners' property tax exemption for families in municipalities of over 500,000 that have lived in their home for over 10 years and whose income is under $100,000?
    - Fundung for CPS from Marijuana sales: In the event marijuana is legalized, should the City of Chicago appropriate revenue from the sale of marijuana to increase funding for Chicago Public Schools and for mental health services?

  • Cook County Ballots:
    - $13 Minimum Wage: Shall the minimum wage in your municipality match the $13 per hour Cook County minimum wage law for adults over the age of 18 by July 1, 2020, and be indexed to the consumer price index after that?
    - Paid Sick Time for Full Time Workers: Shall your municipality match the Cook County earned sick time law which allows for workers to earn up to 40 hours (5 days) of sick time a year to take care of their own health or a family member’s health?
    - Stricker Illegal Firearm Penalties: Should the State of Illinois strengthen penalties for the illegal trafficking of firearms and require all gun dealers to be certified by the State?

newsLee Helmerelection