Local Voting + Elections
Register to Vote
Are you already registered to vote at your current Hermosa, Chicago address? Check here
Planning Ahead (1 month before spring primary or fall election):
- Online: Illinois Online Voting Registration site
- By Mail: PDF forms available, mail by first week of Octobe
- In Person: Fill out a form at a Cook County Clerk's locationThe closest location to Hermosa is 69 W. Washington (downtown)
Making sure you are eligible in Illinois:
- Be a U.S. citizen.
- Be a resident of Illinois for at least 30 days.
- Be at least 18 years old (if you are 17 years old, can vote in the General Primary election IF they will be 18 years old on or before the General Election).
- NOT be registered to vote in another state.
- A person is not eligible to vote while incarcerated. After completing your sentence your voting rights will be restored.
Registering to vote last minute? Are you trying to register within a week of an election?
Go in person to 69 W. Washington (downtown)
Or you can register in person at one of the Cook County Courthouse locations.