How Too Many Wards Create Confusion about Hermosa’s Priority Vaccination Status newsLee HelmerFebruary 26, 2021Belmont-Cragin, editorial
Helping Hermosa Live up to it's Name: Our Trash Challenge newsLee HelmerMarch 10, 2019editorial, garden, parks, residents
Why I Wouldn't Trust Carlos Ramirez-Rosa with Chicago's 35th Ward Purse newsLee HelmerFebruary 7, 2019editorial, election, residents, alderperson, wards, 35th
Why Hermosa Residents Avoid Dangerous Kostner Ave news, infoLee HelmerSeptember 1, 2018editorial, kelvyn park, residents, kostner, traffic
Hermosa, Chicago's Most Invisible North Side Neighborhood news, history, infoLee HelmerJuly 14, 2018editorial, Hammond Organ Factory, residents, parks