Hermosa Garden Club
The Hermosa Garden Club is a community group to promote beautification and green upkeep in Chicago’s Hermosa area, including parks, residential + community gardens and parkways.
The Hermosa Garden Club is a community group to promote beautification and green upkeep in Chicago’s Hermosa area, including parks, residential + community gardens and parkways.
Be Social
- Facebook
- Meetings
- Events/In Person
Join us! Whether it’s social media or in person, let’s connect.
- Weeding
- Cleanup
- Events
- Recruiting
- Plants
- Soil + Nutrients
- Equipment
Each park and green space has unique needs from weeding to regular cleanups. Contact us to make a donation for supplies.
Plant flowers and perennials in your parkway
Gift or trade seeds, bulbs and plants to your neighbors
Monetary donations accepted (goes to Park PACs)
For Kids: Ken Well Park Harvest Garden class